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Grades types : master

Executive Program in Digital Marketing

The aim of this Program is to prepare the students to understand and develop a marketing and communication strategy focused on digital transformation.

Our value proposition: the course is taught by top experts of multinational companies (Nestlé, FC Barcelona, ​​Inditex, Unilever, Carat, Edreams, Audi / VW, etc.), specialists in the digital marketing area, such as SEO, SEM, email marketing, CRM, analytics, social media strategy, Mobile or RTB, among others.
During the course, students will have to develop a digital  marketing plan with the help of a mentor. This will allow the student to assimilate the theory of each module, which are always taught from a practical view, providing knowledge that is directly applicable to the work environment, learning the latest tool and trends of the digital marketing world.

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MBA in Digital Marketing

Geneva Business School's MBA in Digital Marketing is designed to provide students with the technical skills and digital literacy necessary to engage an audience and effectively market businesses through digital channels. The program teaches you how to create, implement and analyze digital marketing strategies, as well as attract customers in innovative ways.


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Major in Digital Marketing in Geneva Business School is designed to equip you with the skills needed to engage an audience through digital media and effectively market your business through these networks. You will be capable of actively working to develop marketing strategies and learn effective business planning for digital marketing. In addition to becoming experts in leveraging social media for business growth, you will be able to effectively publish and manage content for business growth.

Over the course of the program students will:

  • Acquire expertise in using Google analytics and various data analysis software
  • Gain familiarity with online legalities and rights management
  • Become an expert in designing and implementing online marketing campaigns
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MBA Spécialisé Digital Marketing & Business - Full Time - Shanghai

We are proud to have brought together three key actors in an exclusive partnership to offer the market the first ever academic course dealing with this challenge: 
- ESSCA, with more than a hundred years of history, features among the leading business schools in France and benefits from international recognition, fostering its values of respect for people and society.
- The MBA DMB by EFAP, school of communication professions, established in Paris, Bordeaux, Lille and Lyon, already listed in the top ten “most influential” courses in digital, contributes its exceptional ecosystem of professionals to this course.
- The Hub Institute, the leading international French think tank, is at the centre of the world's, digital transformation. Not an event goes by, not a single trend or innovation happens, without being deciphered, analysed and explained by its experts.

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Master Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management

The program aims for students to acquire the necessary knowledge to work in tourism in different fields. The program focuses on a number of topics, including the development and implementation of tourist-related activities, planning and location, tourism as a major force in local and regional development, marketing on local and regional levels, planning for sustainable development in the tourism industry, and international perspectives on tourism.
Upon completion of the program, students should also be able to demonstrate:
- Understanding of the basic principles that underline the hospitality and tourism industry, with emphasis on financial and interpersonal skills.
- Develop an understanding of the global multi-cultural international marketplace.
- Gain an understanding of the interrelationship of hospitality functions to guest satisfaction.
- How to apply ethical principles and  communication processes in an oral and written form.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master Degree in Events Management

This 1 academic year program provides students with the expertise and professionalism required to succeed in the fast-paced and exciting industry of event management. Students develop a strong foundation for planning events and acquire skills and knowledge in marketing, sponsorship, event logistics, risk management, budgeting, programming, entertainment and people management. Students work in teams to plan and execute an event. An internship placement is available once the program is finished where students benefit from experiential learning and networking with industry representatives.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master Degree in Digital Marketing

This 1 academic year program provides students with the expertise and professionalism required to succeed in the fast-paced and exciting industry of digital marketing (e-marketing).
This area of studies is open to all graduates, however it may be particularly useful for graduates from: hospitality and tourism, advertising, media and communications; business and technology; creative design; e-business; journalism; marketing spheres. Digital marketers are involved in developing an organization's multi-channel communication strategies. Digital marketers may work across several areas or specialize in a few depending on the requirements of the organization.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master Degree in Food and Beverage Management

Food and beverage managers are the leaders in the kitchen and the front of house in restaurants of all kinds. Responsible for overall operation for the restaurant, food and beverage managers hire staff, purchase food and stock, and make sure everyone is trained on proper food preparation, proper and legal alcoholic beverage service kitchen safety techniques and understand health standards. Food and beverage managers make sure that company is represented correctly and that the company's standards are upheld. Food and beverage managers also set daily and weekly cleaning schedules for the kitchen and front of house, hire, train and discipline employees and set work schedules. They keep tabs on food cost, waste and employee hours, doing their best to optimize profit for their company and create the best dining experience possible for customers.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master in Digital Business

The Valley DBS, respaldado por el reconocimiento de los más de 400 profesores con los que cuenta (profesionales en activo expertos en el mundo digital, tanto en el ámbito de la mediana y gran empresa como del emprendimiento) ofrece el Máster en Digital Business, enfocado a capacitar a los alumnos de manera práctica en las diferentes actividades vinculadas al mundo digital, a la vez que les pone al día en las últimas tendencias desde una perspectiva estratégica y de orientación al negocio. 

El objetivo del Máster en Digital Business es formar a profesionales de diferentes sectores en todas las áreas del negocio digital, con el fin de que puedan liderar la estrategia y transformación digital en las empresas.
El Máster se dirige a profesionales con experiencia en cualquier área de una organización, ya que la formación es transversal a todos los departamentos.
Sobre un contenido teórico, se proporcionarán las herramientas para aplicar el conocimiento a la realidad actual de las compañías.  Asimismo, con la finalidad de asentar los conocimientos adquiridos durante el curso, los alumnos desarrollarán un proyecto troncal de digitalización de una compañía o de una idea de emprendimiento, con tutores expertos, realizando un recorrido que va desde la concepción de la idea hasta la implantación de la misma. 
Por otro lado, durante el programa, se incentivará el networking entre alumnos, profesores y miembros del ecosistema de The Valley para formar parte de una de las comunidades digitales más activas. También, se pone a disposición de los alumnos una bolsa de empleo propia con ofertas de empresas colaboradoras que buscan perfiles entre nuestros alumnos (en 2015 se gestionaron 300 ofertas de empleo, 25 al mes).

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Senior Management Program in Digital Transformation

El Programa de Alta Dirección en Digital Business prepara a la alta dirección de las compañías para entender y abordar los aspectos más relevantes de la transformación digital, así como su impacto en las diferentes áreas y niveles de la empresa. Se dirige a ejecutivos con experiencia en dirección general o dirección de cualquier área de la organización, que deseen conocer el impacto de la transformación digital en su ámbito de actividad interna y en su entorno competitivo. Con un enfoque holístico, ofrecemos conocimiento específico del sector de Internet y del cambio digital que debe originarse en cada una de las áreas de la organización. Combinando teoría y práctica, con multitud de ejemplos de casos de éxito de organizaciones que ya se están transformando digitalmente, así como de startups que están irrumpiendo en el nuevo entorno competitivo, buscamos una formación adaptada a las necesidades de los directivos. Los objetivos principales del PADDB son: 

  • Transmitir conocimiento profundo del entorno digital.
  • Contar con profesores referentes en sus respectivas áreas, con un enfoque práctico y cercano.
  • Fomentar el networking entre directivos y profesores.
  • Responder de manera efectiva a las nuevas necesidades y demandas de las organizaciones y sus máximos responsables.
  • Ayudar a los ejecutivos a liderar proyectos dentro de sus compañías, aportando contactos y servicios de transformación digital exclusividad y personalización con clases reducidas.

Nuestro mejor indicador de éxito: un 95% de nuestros directivos recomienda el programa a otros ejecutivos.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €
