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Business Administration

Grades types : bachelor


The postgraduate degree in ERP Consultancy & Open Source Business prepare the student, from the business perspective, economic and legal, in order to provide an answer to the demand of applications of management in all sort of organizations, even private and public.

For that, the concept of ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) It has been a paradigm shift in businesses around the world, and therefore, the need to specialize in the ERP consultancy

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El Postgrado en Consultoría ERP & Open Source Business te prepara, desde una perspectiva tanto de negocio como económica y legal, para dar respuesta a la demanda de aplicaciones de gestión en todo tipo de organizaciones, tanto privadas como públicas.

Para ello, el concepto ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) ha supuesto un cambio de paradigma en las empresas de todo el mundo, y por ello, surge la necesidad de especializarse en laConsultoría de ERP y Open Source Business.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Máster en dirección de empresas (MBA)

  • This Master provides an overview of the organization, connecting with all the areas, helping the young professional to gain different skills which is fundamental for the current companies. Besides, It allows the professionals to put their knowledge in their jobs applying all the theory and different practice cases viewed at the class.

-------- Spanish--------

  • Este Máster facilita una visión global de la organización, interrelacionando todas las áreas, de manera que el joven profesional obtiene una polivalencia que resulta fundamental para la empresa actual a la vez que le permite, desde su puesto de trabajo, poner en práctica, en la medida de lo posible, gran parte de conocimientos y experiencias adquiridos. 
Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Global Entrepreneurship Program (MBA)

  • Three world-class institutes focusing on entrepreneurship education
  • Across three continents: Asia, North America and Europe
  • Three global consulting projects in three countries
  • Deep interaction with students from more than 20 countries, stimulating entrepreneurial inspiration
  • A variety of extracurricular activitie

    The Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP), a unique program offered on three continents, is delivered by Zhejiang University School of Management (China, Asia), Purdue University Krannert School of Management (USA, North America), and EMLYON Business School (France, Europe). The Program was launched in 2009, and in 2010 it was awarded ‘Most Innovative International Cooperation Program of the Decade'. The GEP aligns perfectly with the mission of the School to cultivate global, innovative, entrepreneurial and responsible leaders who better the world. The curriculum is jointly developed by three institutes. Students focus on the entrepreneurial process and practice action-oriented tools in different business and economic contexts. The students from three institutes will successively take a-year-long program in the three institutes together.

    At the end of the course, students will obtain the master degree from their home university/school, and also documentation from other two institutes stating that they have completed the other portions of the GEP curriculum.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Máster Executive en Marketing, Comercialización y Revenue Management Turístico - Barcelona

The tourism sector as well as the hotel in particular are living an accelerated transformation in the area of marketing, distribution and sales. The management of the new techniques online are the perfect access and skills that you need to manage hotel companies. The high competition in this environment require the figure of the Director of E-commerce and the Director of Revenue Management as a key roles in the hotel industry.
Along with  Máster en Marketing, Comercialización and Revenue Management Turístico is the only Master in Spain which meets the following two requirements:

1. To train and form the students besides the executives from the industry and they manage tu use the same techniques and tools that most of the companies use.
2. All the subjects have a practice development focused to the specialization of the student

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

MBA Hospitality and Tourism Management - Barcelona

Ostelea's Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA has the objective of training the future leaders of the tourism sector: Executives, professionals and entrepreneurs equipped to manage business projects in the tourism and hotel sector at the very highest level. Therefore, the programme particularly focuses on the development of executive skills and aptitudes of a strategic nature.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

MBA en Hospitality y Turismo - Madrid

The MBA en Hospitality y Turismo​ of Ostelea has born with the objective to create the future leaders in the turistic sector: Executives, professionals and entrepreneurs that will be able to manage at the highest level, corporate projects in the turistics and hotel environment.


Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Máster en Destinos Turísticos Sostenibles y Planificación Turística Territorial - Barcelona

The Sustainable development has become a new paradigm of the XXI century, either in the public sector and private, along the international and local scope. In the turistic sector. Every time, there are more public organizations, academic institutions, turistic destinations, companies and international organizations which are concerned about the sustainable politics.

Ostelea has decided implement a program of Máster en Destinos Turísticos Sostenibles y Planificación Turística Territorial, which has as a objective form professionals and executives who will become leaders of the change towards a planning and sustainable management of the turistic activity, either in public or private sector.


Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Máster en Relaciones Internacionales y Gobernanza Internacional - Barcelona

The international relations and the diplomacy acquired importance in our time as globalization and the power of the states change the economic, politic and geographic distribution. Therefore, the international organizations, governmental or non-governmentalhas increased the number of specialist in international relations.
The master in International Relations, Diplomacy and Protocol of Ostelea offers a program which allow the student to get the professional status and apply the theoric view into the practice rolls. It is designed to guarantee the specialization in the three disciplines with the final purpose to give the students a higher management capacity, adaptation and development through the public environment either governmental or non-governmental, as well as in the field of international business.


Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Máster Internacional en Sports Management & Leisure - Barcelona

The Máster Internacional en Sports Management & Leisure de Ostelea provides the accurate answers to the needs in management from the organizations or institutions related with the sport, leisure activities and sport and recreation tourism. With clear practical procedures the master is focused in the profesional trainning in the sport industry management, leisure and tourisim, always with a social perspective and responsability.
Reasons to study the Master:

  • Orientation and management and the executive skills with the support and experience of EAE Business School
  • Barcelona as a first order sport city: Barcelona bring the multitude of international sports events, It offers unique facilities, and is the campus of clubes which participate in high level competitions.
  • Outdoor training: With the objective to increase the development of the skills and key competences in a executive person, there are group activities that allow identify and get over the weaknesses.
  • Management of the Program: The program is directed by Rodrigo de la Fuente, who has known how to combine his professional career in basketball as a international individual in all the categories of national team of Spain and successful business career.


Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Máster Executive en Dirección Hotelera y Gestión de Food&Beverage - Barcelona

The goal of Ostelea's Máster en Dirección Hotelera y Gestión de Food&Beverage  is to equip professionals and executives to lead business projects focused on planning and hospitality management.

  • Revenue Management, is taught through a Business Game. This particular activity is the new hotel marketing  that is developed widely in this speciality with a vision applied in the bussiness game.
  • Networking
  • Practice experiences: The component theoric is taught in the class however the application is made in one of the companies partners.
  • Professional Internship. You have the option to make your internship in hotel chains and companies of tourism.
  • Ostelea is already a member of the Asociación Española de Directores y Directivos de Hotel (AEDH).
  • Asistance to academic trade fairs: The tudents will come to the trade faire like Alimentaria (Barcelona) which is considered one of the most famous in the food sector all over the world, or IBTM (Barcelona), one of the referent in the business fairs in tourism.
Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €
