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Grades types : master


The Posgraduate program in Web Analytics and Analytical Techniques answers to the huge demand of the companies which pretends to control, measure and improve their investements through the compilation and management of data in their pages, moving forward towards the following and reporting. They will cover the art and the science to reach the success of the web analytics, and as a result it will push the change in the online businesses. 

---- Spanish-----

El Postgrado en Analítica Web y Técnicas de Análisis responde a la necesidad de las empresas de controlar, medir y mejorar sus inversiones a través de la recopilación de datos en su página web yendo más allá del seguimiento y reporte de actividad, pues abarca el arte y la ciencia de alcanzar el éxito mediante la analítica web, para impulsar el cambio en los negocios online. 

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €


As well as the ERPs and the corporate software applications lately have been considered in competitive advantages to the companies which have implanted in their procedures. In paralel, the market is still pushing the phenomenon like the free software, the software as a service or the cloud computing.

Due to the huge opportunities that offer the market through the management free software and the applications On Demand, the postgraduate is based in the practical way to teach and provide the enough experience with the Open source applications and SaaS which are more extended and famous like Open bravo, Sugar CRM, Zoho, Pentaho, Alfresco o Magento.

-------- Spanish-------
Tanto los ERPs como las aplicaciones de software empresarial se han convertido en fuentes de ventajas competitivas para las empresas que lo han implantado con éxito. En paralelo, el mercado de las sigue impulsado por fenómenos como el Software Libre, el Software as a Service (SaaS) o elCloud computing.

A raíz de las grandes oportunidades que ofrece el mercado mediante el software libre de gestión y las aplicaciones On Demand, el Postgrado en Herramientas de Software Libre de Gestión se plantea de manera eminentemente práctica trabajando directamente con las aplicaciones Open Source y SaaS más extendidas y populares como Openbravo, SugarCRM, Zoho, Pentaho, Alfresco o Magento, entre otras.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €


The posgraduate degree in Growth Hacking  has as a objective to provide and generate the improvement culture in the company. The change management at the time to use the different digital tools in your favor and provide trust to the client, combined with the use of the funnel of Growth Hacking and the tactics applicable in every single stage with the only goal to create growth engines.

With this mentality in the mind of the future Growth Hacker, the postgraduate degree in Growth Hacking is developed in three different stages:

1. Diagnosis
2. Optimization of growth
3. Acceleration of growth

------------ Spanish -----------
El Postgrado en Growth Hacking tiene como objetivo enseñarte a generar una cultura de crecimiento en tu empresa. Un cambio de actitud en el momento de utilizar las herramientas digitales como tus aliadas, combinado con la utilización del embudo de growth hacking y las tácticas aplicables en cada una de sus etapas con un único objetivo: Crear Motores de Crecimiento.

Con esa finalidad en la mente del futuro Growth Hacker, el Postgrado en Growth Hacking se desarrolla en tres etapas: diagnóstico, optimización del crecimiento y aceleración del crecimiento

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €


The agil project management it is necessary as a result of the current markets, taking into account the principal objective provide the industry with the most skilled people in value, optmization of the time, agility and reliability. Adding the maximum vaue to the service/product, adapting the development process to the evolution of the requirements and changes in the environment.

In the postgraduate you will be able to learn the different agil methodoogies they are necessary to develop services/products innovative, work in complex environment, improve the competitivity and productivity being more efficient in the management and project planning.


La gestión ágil de proyectos es necesaria como respuesta a los mercados actuales, ya que tiene como objetivo principal dotar de garantías a las cuatro demandas principales de la industria (valor, reducción del tiempo, agilidad y fiabilidad) agregando el máximo valor posible al producto/servicio, adaptando el proceso del desarrollo a la evolución de los requisitos y a las circunstancias del entorno.

En el Postgrado en Gestión Ágil de Proyectos con Scrum, Kanban, Lean y XP aprenderás aquellas metodologías ágiles necesarias para desarrollar productos/servicios innovadores, trabajar en entornos complejos, mejorar la competitividad y productividad y ser más eficientes en la gestión y planificación de proyectos.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €


The Master in Digital is a program designed to answer to the need of a new world more into the digital market. The professionals would be able to be guided by the professionals experienced and where you will aquire a global knowledge, increasing the value and the specialization in one of the specific areas from Digital Marketing. Thanks to that you will get the experience and the knowledge to specialize in the profession that you love the most, which will give you the enough confidence at the time to work or finding the new job project in the Digital Marketing sector.

At the end of the master you will be able to work for several specializations of the sector like web analytics, gamification, marketing mobile, Google Adwords, E-commerce, inbound Marketing or digital communication.


Master en Marketing Digital es un programa diseñado para responder a esta necesidad, de la mano de grandes profesionales, y donde adquirirás un conocimiento global y te especializarás en una de las áreas específicas del Marketing Digital, y gracias a esta formación conseguirás especializarte en la profesión que más te gusta, la cual te dará esa seguridad a la hora de trabajar y conseguir el trabajo que siempre has soñado tener dentro del sector del Marketing Digital.
Al finalizar el Master en Marketing Digital, serás especialista en más de una de las especializaciones más demandas del área del Marketing Online, como la Analítica Web, Gamification, Marketing Móvil, Google Adwords, e-Commerce, Inbound Marketing o Comunicación Digital.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

MSc International Commerce and Digital Marketing

The MSc. in International Commerce & Digital Marketing is prepares future business managers who are ready to take advantage of business opportunities while tacking challenges of today's contemporary and evolving business environment. Students will build strong knowledge in marketing and commercial areas while exploring and mastering the different digital tools. as webpage design, Google Analytics, SEO, and social media management.
Students will carry out commercial and digital missions to reinforce the acquired knowledge and obtain practical experience. The programme involves students in projects and courses where they will learn vital strategies and methods employed by successful business managers to set up or develop a marketing, trade, sales and negotiation enabling them to seize a wide-range of business opportunities.
The courses allow the students to have a global vision while being aware of local challenges. Students will also develop modern business visions and pragmatic management skills as business is constantly seeking new areas of growth.

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