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Accounting (Accountancy - Control - Auditing)

Grades types : bachelor

Master of Accountancy

Taught at CUHK Business School for almost 20 years, the highly-regarded Master of Accountancy program is accredited by international associations and professional bodies. Part One of the curriculum is accredited as a conversion program catering to the emerging needs of non-accounting degree holders, while Part Two helps accountants integrate the various aspects of their accounting knowledge and apply them to the work environment.
Students develop their communication, analytical and conceptual skills, particularly those related to accounting. They solve complex accounting and business problems, get a global perspective on accounting and understand the ethical responsibilities of an accounting professional. The courses enhance students' career-building and networking opportunities with people from a diverse industry background and nationality.

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Máster en Dirección Financiera y Control

El diseño e implantación de la estrategia empresarial exigen, necesariamente, la evaluación previa de su viabilidad económico-financiera y posteriormente el seguimiento y control de los objetivos establecidos. Este planteamiento refuerza el carácter estratégico de la gestión financiera como instrumento de apoyo real a la dirección de la empresa, mediante la planificación y control de la rentabilidad del negocio en condiciones de equilibrio financiero.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Curso Superior en Control Integrado de Gestión

El Curso Superior en Control Integrado de Gestión de CESMA Escuela de Negocios es un programa avanzado y exigente el cual dirigido a profesionales que quieren mejorar y formarse al más alto nivel, aumentando su rendimiento trabajo con los estudios. Las empresas demandan profesionales que posean varias características: deben tener conocimientos, sin embargo éstos deben ir complementados con actitudes de esfuerzo, colaboración, solidaridad y compromiso. Es por ello que en CESMA damos una enorme importancia al desarrollo de habilidades personales, que contribuyan a incrementar el autoconocimiento, la automotivación y las relaciones sociales de nuestros alumnos.
Los objetivos particulares del Curso son:

  • Desarrollar una visión global de la empresa y del entorno, así como conocer la gestión de las organizaciones.
  • Adquirir los conocimientos fundamentales para el desarrollo de la función de control de gestión.
  • Desarrollo de las capacidades analíticas y de razonamiento ante situaciones empresariales complejas.
  • Analizar y desarrollar competencias y habilidades necesarias, profundizando en el liderazgo y la motivación.
  • Potenciar las habilidades personales en aspectos de autoconocimiento, automotivación, empatía y relaciones sociales.
  • Desarrollar las capacidades intelectuales del alumno, combinando la casuística real de las situaciones empresariales con las teorías de la organización y el control.
  • Aprender del entorno, de los profesionales que participan en el programa y de las discusiones prácticas en las sesiones del curso.
Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Máster en banca y finanzas (MBF)

It is oriented to development of skills that today are in demand in the financial and banking sector and in the areas of financial responsibility, a solid knowledge of financial products, services and taxation, provide people capable of teamwork and empathize with the customer.

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Está orientado al desarrollo de las competencias profesionales que hoy en día se demandan dentro del sector financiero y bancario y en las áreas de responsabilidad financiera de las empresas, como visión de negocio, un sólido conocimiento de los productos financieros y su fiscalidad, personas capaces de trabajar en equipo y de empatizar con el cliente.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master in Business Administration - MBA

The Master's Degree in Business Administration program - the Executive MBA - is a graduate program in business management whose purpose is to shape professionals and executives who hold high-level managerial positions, in order to prepare them to deal with managerial and strategic challenges presented by the changing environment. 
The Master's degree program is geared toward providing high-level executives with a global outlook and integrated functional knowledge (administration, finance, marketing, operations, information technology and human resources), as well as the capacity to lead and supervise people, involving them in the management process.
Lastly, the purpose of this program is for students to fully develop their managerial talent in order for it to serve as a basis for interacting effectively and efficiently in an increasingly changing business environment. This program offers the option of a specialization with the selection of one specialization in the following areas:

• Specialization in International Business
• Specialization in Human Resources Management
• Specialization in Marketing Management

Classes start: September the 6th of 2016

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Finance & Management (M.Sc.) (GER)

The Master Finance & Management (M. Sc.)  offers a theoretical and practical formation of management. The programme will give you the opportunity to become a junior manager in firms of all sizes and from all the sectors related to the field of consulting, such as banks and supervisory bodies.

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MSc Control, Audit and Corporate Finance

The MSc. in Control, Auditing & Corporate Finance is designed for developing experienced experts in the areas of Auditing, Corporate Finance and Risk Control. Students will learn to perform financial analysis and reporting, conduct audit missions, assess and control the risk of an activity. The goal of the programme is to equip the students with the technical knowledge and provide them with with a modern and effective approach of the tools needed in the world of business.

During the second semester, students will carry out an Audit mission in a French company while mentored by professors and members of the company which is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience through an applied project and explore the Audit function and procedures in a concrete way.

The programme prepares students to act dynamically, by taking advantage of financial opportunities as well as ensuring appropriate checks in the audit systems. These functions and responsibilities require technical skills as well as soft skills. For this purpose, our pedagogy combines lectures, team work and work experience.

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MBS in International Accounting

It is a full time one year program designed for those willing to further their studies in Accounting.

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MSc in Accounting

It's a full time one year program designed for honours graduates in accounting.

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Master in Finance, Accounting and Insurance

A 2 year full-time program with two main specializations "Corporate Finance and Accounting" and "Management of financial institutions". Graduates in Finance, Accounting and Insurance will increase their knowledge in the fields of corporate finance, advanced accounting (including financial management), and principles of functioning of capital market institutions. 

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €