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Strategy and Consulting

Grades types : master

Master of Finance and Banking

Programme designed for financial and investment directors (CFO)


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Executive MBA

This program is aimed for top management who:

  • plan to continue to develop as a Professional Manager, having decided to achieve new levels in management skills;
  • are leaders with a responsible attitude to life, ready for new knowledge and qualitative change, ready to take a mature holistic approach to business;
  • are seeking  a quantum leap in the development of their company through their own personal and professional growth;
  • have at least 5 years management and strategic decision-making experience.
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President's MBA

Program is designed for entrepreneurs with no less than 3 years' experience of being an owner. It is focused on developing of the owner as an individual and system leader, increasing the value of his impact. One of the major aim of studying on President's MBA is to focus attention for leaders to create a Business vision for the future, for both the enterprise and themselves.

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