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Cultural Management

Grades types : master


El Postgrado en Relaciones Laborales y Dirección de Personas te enseña las técnicas y competencias necesarias para gestionar un departamento de recursos humanos de forma eficaz, acorde con los valores interpersonales y éticos que rigen las empresas del siglo XXI.

Aprenderás a administrar procesos completos de gestión de personal desde la contratación hasta la retribución, la extinción laboral y la prevención de riesgos laborales. Gracias a su aplicación práctica, manejarás las técnicas más innovadoras para gestionar el activo más importante de cualquier empresa: su capital humano. 

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The posgraduate program in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management will lead you to understand the technic and skills required to manage a human resources department effectively.

You will learn to manage complex process in the personal management from the hiring until the remuneration, the labor law and the prevention occupational hazards.  Thanks to the practical way to be learnt, you will be able to manage the most innovative technics in order to provide the best service to the company, attractng and retaining the best Human Talent.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

MBA - Master in Business Management

El MBA te permite mediante un proceso de aprendizaje intensivo y exigente, adquirir todos los conocimientos necesarios para la gestión empresarial y te prepara para desarrollar una exitosa trayectoria profesional.
Te dotará de una visión global e integradora de todas las áreas funcionales de la empresa y su comprensión como un” todo” interrelacionado. A lo largo del máster se hará especial hincapié en los siguientes aspectos:

a. Que el alumno alcance una comprensión adecuada de la realidad empresarial, su internacionalización y su globalización.
b. El desarrollo de habilidades directivas que permitan la gestión y dirección global del negocio.
c. El conocimiento del Project Manager como herramienta técnica de diagnóstico, análisis y resolución de conflictos en la empresa y de la gestión y dirección de proyectos.
d. Potenciar, en el alumno, las competencias profesionales, el bagaje intercultural, y la red social multinacional


The MBA allow you through an intensive and demanding learning process, aquire all the knowledge for the business management will prepare you for a succesful professional life.
You will develope a global vision and inclusive of all functional areas of business. Along all the master it will emphasize in the following aspects:

a) The student understand and realize about the corporate reality, their internationalization and globalization
b) Development of the executive activities that allows the management and global direction of the company
c) The project manager skills as a technical tool of diagnosis, analysis and resolution
d) enhance students the professional competences, the cultural diversity and International social network

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master in Business Administration - MBA

The Master's Degree in Business Administration program - the Executive MBA - is a graduate program in business management whose purpose is to shape professionals and executives who hold high-level managerial positions, in order to prepare them to deal with managerial and strategic challenges presented by the changing environment. 
The Master's degree program is geared toward providing high-level executives with a global outlook and integrated functional knowledge (administration, finance, marketing, operations, information technology and human resources), as well as the capacity to lead and supervise people, involving them in the management process.
Lastly, the purpose of this program is for students to fully develop their managerial talent in order for it to serve as a basis for interacting effectively and efficiently in an increasingly changing business environment. This program offers the option of a specialization with the selection of one specialization in the following areas:

• Specialization in International Business
• Specialization in Human Resources Management
• Specialization in Marketing Management

Classes start: September the 6th of 2016

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Master in Art and Culture Management

The Rome Business School's Master course in Arts and Culture Management is an exclusive programme designed for motivated international participants aiming at getting world-class competencies and at developing a successful global career in the fields of arts and culture. Attendees will receive advanced managerial expertise, anchored in the international context, thus becoming ready to excel as modern cultural managers and innovative leaders in the field of the creative industries. This programme's quality teaching, its international internship opportunities and its career and networking services all contribute to make this Master course the perfect fit for anyone who is looking to rise to the top in the world of arts and culture management.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

MBA Creative Industries Management

The program offers the opportunity to develop professional leadership skills in creative industries, specializing in the design, new media, art, performing arts, advertising, publishing management business and other areas of creative industries. The program is designed as an interdisciplinary study program, which ensures a synergy between management consultancy, business, arts and technologies. The program helps representatives coming from creative industries and entrepreneurs to acquire knowledge and skills to perform more effectively in business. It is also appropriate for those who wish to focus on using creativity and innovation to generate state of the art products with added value. The program includes a work placement in different companies.
Upon completion, you will receive a professional MBA with specialization in Creative industries.

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