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Supply Chain Management

Grades types : master

MSc in Supply Chain & Purchasing Management

18 months to become a Supply Chain Manager, a Procurement Specialist, or a Consultant in Supply Management.

Build your career in a both business and technical culture

To build your career, you will need both solid academic knowledge and practical skills to meet industry's high standards. You'll not only acquire the fundamentals of responsible management in complex and collaborative ecosystems, but also discover how to apply the latest know-how in digital and robotics technologies.

Benefit from a true international exposure

By studying in English, in both European and Asian campuses plus a learning expedition in another region, you will develop a multilingual and multicutural experience.

Meet the real needs of recruiters

emlyon business school works closely with reputed business partners and strong alumni community, and provides students with quality internship and job offers, as well as opportunities to create your own business.



Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

MBA in Supply Chain Management

MBA in Supply Chain Management covers both quantitative and qualitative issues needed to understand and coordinate the whole supply chain system. The students learn how to solve the problems they can face such as the tradeoff in making supply chain decisions, efficient supply chain management, inventory control, demand forecasting and project management while combining the courses and practical knowledge from management, managerial accounting, financial management, logistics, software solutions and quantitative and analytical methods for solving the supply chain optimization problems. The program was created following the last world trends from the fields integrating also the Croatian case studies. MBA in Supply Chain Management lasts two semesters and is completed with the defense of Graduation Thesis totaling in 60 ECTS. 

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Online International Master in e-Supply Chain Management

This Master aims to train professionals on having a strategic vision, so that they not only mastered the logistics but that they focused on developing the internationalization of the company, going beyond transport and storage, so that they mastered all the needs and areas such as planning, management and control of logistics strategy and internationalization of the company.

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International Master in e-Supply Chain Management

This Master aims to train professionals on having a strategic vision, so that they not only mastered the logistics but that they focused on developing the internationalization of the company, going beyond transport and storage, so that they mastered all the needs and areas such as planning, management and control of logistics strategy and internationalization of the company.

At the end of the Master, the student will get double accreditation by BEBS and the University of Murcia.

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Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management (MBA)

The Master in Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Program (GMSCM) is a double-degree program co-founded by two renowned academic institutes: McGill University (Canada) and Zhejiang University (China). The students who have completed GMSCM program will be awarded with both an MBA degree from Zhejiang University and a Master degree of Management from McGill University. The Program is targeting at high-potential managers in manufacturing, producer services and logistics industries.


Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Executive Master en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (Executive MBA)

El Executive Master en Administración y Dirección de Empresas EMBA de CESMA Business School es un programa avanzado y exigente dirigido a profesionales con experiencia que quieren formarse al más alto nivel, compatibilizando su trabajo con los estudios. Las empresas demandan profesionales que aúnen varias características: deben poseer conocimientos, pero éstos deben ir complementados con actitudes de esfuerzo, colaboración y compromiso. Es por ello que en CESMA Business School damos una enorme importancia al desarrollo de habilidades personales, que contribuyan a incrementar el autoconocimiento, la automotivación y las relaciones sociales de nuestros alumnos.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

MBA - Master in Business Management

El MBA te permite mediante un proceso de aprendizaje intensivo y exigente, adquirir todos los conocimientos necesarios para la gestión empresarial y te prepara para desarrollar una exitosa trayectoria profesional.
Te dotará de una visión global e integradora de todas las áreas funcionales de la empresa y su comprensión como un” todo” interrelacionado. A lo largo del máster se hará especial hincapié en los siguientes aspectos:

a. Que el alumno alcance una comprensión adecuada de la realidad empresarial, su internacionalización y su globalización.
b. El desarrollo de habilidades directivas que permitan la gestión y dirección global del negocio.
c. El conocimiento del Project Manager como herramienta técnica de diagnóstico, análisis y resolución de conflictos en la empresa y de la gestión y dirección de proyectos.
d. Potenciar, en el alumno, las competencias profesionales, el bagaje intercultural, y la red social multinacional


The MBA allow you through an intensive and demanding learning process, aquire all the knowledge for the business management will prepare you for a succesful professional life.
You will develope a global vision and inclusive of all functional areas of business. Along all the master it will emphasize in the following aspects:

a) The student understand and realize about the corporate reality, their internationalization and globalization
b) Development of the executive activities that allows the management and global direction of the company
c) The project manager skills as a technical tool of diagnosis, analysis and resolution
d) enhance students the professional competences, the cultural diversity and International social network

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €


 The posgraduate degree in e-logistics and SCM is structured with the oobjective to provide the student enough tools and skills in order to be able to cover every need from management, control and follow up of the strategies and optimization of the logistic and SCM from companies in the local market.

In the program is used a innovative methodology in which you will learn through activities and real experiences, in this way ou as a student going to take decisions and from those will depend the SCM and the tracking products status.

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El Postgrado en e-Logistics & SCM está estructurado para que el alumno sea capaz de cubrir todas las necesidades de gestión, control y seguimiento de las estrategias enfocadas a optimizar la logística y la cadena de suministro de empresas tanto tradicionales como de comercio electrónico.

El Postgrado en e-Logistics & Supply Chain Management utiliza una metodología innovadora en la que aprenderás a través de actividades y experiencias reales y simuladas en las que tendrás que tomar decisiones relativas a la gestión de la cadena de suministros y la trazabilidad de los productos y la logística y en las que estás adquiriendo la experiencia que te prepara para el mundo real.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €