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Grades types : master

Master (MSc) in luxury management and guest experience

This master will give you the skills to start a prestigious career in the luxury sector. Ideal for young talents, retraining people and companies that invest in their employees, this training that combines an intensive program, an immersive learning and internships will help you embrace your career and expand your skills. If you do not master the fundamentals of hotel management, you can take the four-week Immersion in Hotel ** program on the Glion campus in Switzerland.

** The Immersion in Hospitality program is offered over four weeks. Participation is optional and incurs additional costs. Organized before the beginning of the master's training, it includes practical arts classes in cooking, catering, pastry, oenology, hotel economics and accounting.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

MBA Luxury Brand Management

This Luxury Management Program is for all futur managers whom want to build a solid and successful career in the luxury industry. Whether you are willing to specialise after your Master or changing sector, and looking for fast-tracking your career or excelling as an entrepreneur, our academically rigorous programme will enable you to take your career to the next level. This comprehensive international program provides maximum exposure to the luxury industry. Once graduated, you are operational within days of onboarding your future dream job. Nothing better than to acquire this knowledge & skills right in the birthplace of luxury, Paris. All classes are taught in English by luxury executive professionals. You will get insights from highly skilled luxury specialists, which represents a great value for a career in a fast paced constantly evolving industry. This program focuses on an interactive 360° learning experience. Lectures, conferences, academical assignment (memoire), case studies in groups and individually, debates mixed with some field experience (retail store checks, foundation, designers, workshops, craftsmanship, trade fairs, fondations) and shared experiences with business executives (guests' speakers, masterclasses, Q&As, memoire, immersion in a luxury company ).

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MSc in Marketing French Excellence

« Leveraging French Excellence to develop the professional marketing skills essential for a successful international career » Ewan ORMISTON, Program Director.
The MSc in Marketing French Excellence is a 360° programme that offers a broad and dense view of the marketing disciplines in an international environment. Entirely taught in English, the programme provides students with all the specialist tools and techniques to maximize key knowledge thanks to the most recent research and cases in marketing, such as "millennial marketing" while maximizing employability. It is intended for students interested in working for a French Business, nationally or internationally, and for those seeking to acquire skills and know-how applicable to the strategic development ambitions of developing economies.

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MBA in Marketing

Marketing is a central function in all successful modern organizations, regardless if they're corporations, small or medium size businesses, charities, and even in some government institutions. The importance of marketing in today's society cannot be overstated; as technological advancements have made it easier for companies to find customers and markets in different parts of the world, marketing has become a complex activity that transcends the 4P's; successful marketing is the key to survival of many organizations. Career options in marketing can also be very diverse. If you decide to make the leap and specialize your skills in this field, you can work for companies that engage in marketing activities such as brand management, strategic management, or new product development. Also, you can work for organizations that provide marketing services such as marketing research, advertising, public relations, or consulting.

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MSc in Marketing

The MSc Program in Marketing develops highly capable marketing professionals equipped with both in-depth marketing knowledge and the necessary practical skills gained through a wide range of advanced marketing electives not usually encountered in a marketing program.
Emphasizing the department's present competitive strengths in the areas of Marketing in China, Service Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Brand Management and Strategic Marketing, the Program is offered in two concentrations. “Managerial Marketing” prepares students to work in marketing management of consumer and business goods and services in general, and in specialized areas such as branding, advertising, and multinational marketing. “Big Data Marketing” prepares students to work in areas such as digital marketing, marketing engineering and database marketing.

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MBA in Digital Marketing

Geneva Business School's MBA in Digital Marketing is designed to provide students with the technical skills and digital literacy necessary to engage an audience and effectively market businesses through digital channels. The program teaches you how to create, implement and analyze digital marketing strategies, as well as attract customers in innovative ways.


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Major in Digital Marketing in Geneva Business School is designed to equip you with the skills needed to engage an audience through digital media and effectively market your business through these networks. You will be capable of actively working to develop marketing strategies and learn effective business planning for digital marketing. In addition to becoming experts in leveraging social media for business growth, you will be able to effectively publish and manage content for business growth.

Over the course of the program students will:

  • Acquire expertise in using Google analytics and various data analysis software
  • Gain familiarity with online legalities and rights management
  • Become an expert in designing and implementing online marketing campaigns
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MBA in Sports Management

Geneva Business School's MBA in Sports Management is designed to provide you with the organization and communication tools to manage sports events, teams, federations and sports clubs. This program will equip you to become an effective leader in the sports industry and helps you in learning to how to deal with the needs of executive staff, players, and supporters.

The Master of Business Administration with a Major in Sports Management at Geneva Business School is designed to equip you to become an effective leader and gain opportunities provided by this rapidly expanding sector. You will gain the organizational and communication skills enabling you to manage and market sporting events, federations, and sports clubs.

Over the course of this program students will:

  • Develop your technical skills required to become an effective industry professional.
  • Gain insight into practical business planning and management.
  • Learn how to efficiently plan sporting events
  • Manage team organization, merchandising, and marketing.


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Master in Digital Business

The Valley DBS, respaldado por el reconocimiento de los más de 400 profesores con los que cuenta (profesionales en activo expertos en el mundo digital, tanto en el ámbito de la mediana y gran empresa como del emprendimiento) ofrece el Máster en Digital Business, enfocado a capacitar a los alumnos de manera práctica en las diferentes actividades vinculadas al mundo digital, a la vez que les pone al día en las últimas tendencias desde una perspectiva estratégica y de orientación al negocio. 

El objetivo del Máster en Digital Business es formar a profesionales de diferentes sectores en todas las áreas del negocio digital, con el fin de que puedan liderar la estrategia y transformación digital en las empresas.
El Máster se dirige a profesionales con experiencia en cualquier área de una organización, ya que la formación es transversal a todos los departamentos.
Sobre un contenido teórico, se proporcionarán las herramientas para aplicar el conocimiento a la realidad actual de las compañías.  Asimismo, con la finalidad de asentar los conocimientos adquiridos durante el curso, los alumnos desarrollarán un proyecto troncal de digitalización de una compañía o de una idea de emprendimiento, con tutores expertos, realizando un recorrido que va desde la concepción de la idea hasta la implantación de la misma. 
Por otro lado, durante el programa, se incentivará el networking entre alumnos, profesores y miembros del ecosistema de The Valley para formar parte de una de las comunidades digitales más activas. También, se pone a disposición de los alumnos una bolsa de empleo propia con ofertas de empresas colaboradoras que buscan perfiles entre nuestros alumnos (en 2015 se gestionaron 300 ofertas de empleo, 25 al mes).

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Senior Management Program in Digital Transformation

El Programa de Alta Dirección en Digital Business prepara a la alta dirección de las compañías para entender y abordar los aspectos más relevantes de la transformación digital, así como su impacto en las diferentes áreas y niveles de la empresa. Se dirige a ejecutivos con experiencia en dirección general o dirección de cualquier área de la organización, que deseen conocer el impacto de la transformación digital en su ámbito de actividad interna y en su entorno competitivo. Con un enfoque holístico, ofrecemos conocimiento específico del sector de Internet y del cambio digital que debe originarse en cada una de las áreas de la organización. Combinando teoría y práctica, con multitud de ejemplos de casos de éxito de organizaciones que ya se están transformando digitalmente, así como de startups que están irrumpiendo en el nuevo entorno competitivo, buscamos una formación adaptada a las necesidades de los directivos. Los objetivos principales del PADDB son: 

  • Transmitir conocimiento profundo del entorno digital.
  • Contar con profesores referentes en sus respectivas áreas, con un enfoque práctico y cercano.
  • Fomentar el networking entre directivos y profesores.
  • Responder de manera efectiva a las nuevas necesidades y demandas de las organizaciones y sus máximos responsables.
  • Ayudar a los ejecutivos a liderar proyectos dentro de sus compañías, aportando contactos y servicios de transformación digital exclusividad y personalización con clases reducidas.

Nuestro mejor indicador de éxito: un 95% de nuestros directivos recomienda el programa a otros ejecutivos.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Curso de Redacción Corporativa

La mejor carta de presentación de una empresa es un buen texto corporativo, por ello hay que prestar especial atención a su redacción para que los destinatarios entiendan perfectamente el mensaje que queremos comunicar.
Escribir bien es sinónimo de buena imagen, por ello, elaborar textos claros, coherentes y sin errores es imprescindible para lograr la aceptación de un público, cada vez más exigente con el buen uso del lenguaje desde lo escrito. Por lo tanto, con el curso de redacción de textos corporativos adquirirás los conocimientos para mejorar tus técnicas de comunicación escrita en la redacción de tipo empresarial.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €
