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Business Administration

Grades types : bachelor

Post Graduate Degree in Business Management

We provide a flexible, low cost route for learners who have already achieved management qualifications at a lower level and for learners who do not have management qualifications, but may have qualifications in other areas and/or prior experience in the work place.
The Post Graduate Degree in Business Management is a 120 credit size qualification (UK), equivalent in size to one years Post Graduate study.
The Post Graduate Diploma in Management have been developed to conform to the requirements of the QCF, to meet the requirements of industry and employers and to meet the needs of learners and to partially fulfill the Fellow membership requirements of the Institute of Management Specialists (UK) and to provide students a pathway to directly enter the second year of a Masters program at a number of UK universities.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master of Business Administration in International Business

We provide a flexible, low cost route for learners who have already achieved management qualifications at a lower level and for learners who do not have management qualifications, but may have qualifications in other areas and/or prior experience in the work place.
The Master of Business Administration in International Business degree builds on SCPU - Business School's traditional strengths and prepares students to compete and succeed at the global level. In addition to mastering core business disciplines and developing first-rate analytical and problem-solving skills, students gain a solid foundation in international business concepts, develop intercultural management skills, and build cultural awareness.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Doctor of Business Management – Doctor of Business Administration – DUAL DEGREE

Students enrolled into the Doctor of Business Management can also enroll in the Doctor of Business Administration in Management program at Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica and receive two doctorates for their work.
This degree is designed for Full Members of the Design, Technology and Management Society to upgrade their qualification to Fellow membership.
The program is based on an in depth researched study in any field of endeavor in business, management, administration, commerce and many more areas. Students must prepare a dissertation in the usual style and format of not less than 90,000 words (200 to 250 pages). However, before work starts, students must present a rationale of the proposed work and the literature and research methods planned to cover the field completely.
The Doctor of Business Management focuses on the implementation, improvement and development of systems, methods or means of using the knowledge in particular areas.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master of Science in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour

The MSc in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour (HRMOB) Programme is offered and managed by the Department of Management, Lingnan University. This full-time programme began in September 2010. The normal duration for the programme is one year full time. The Programme provides students with an internationalised and highly interactive learning environment. It aims to equip students, entering either with business degrees or non-business degrees, with the necessary management competencies to pursue careers in human resource management and leadership.

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CUHK Business School has pioneered in business education and launched MBA Programs since 1966, the first of its kind in Asia. Since then we have gained world recognition of nurturing business leaders with immense contributions in Asia Pacific. We assemble the best of student body from around the globe and empower them with in-depth business insights with Asian focus in the highly dynamic international business environment. Providing both full-time and part-time MBA programs, we tailor-make curriculums that respond to the diverse needs of business executives from different backgrounds. Regardless of the choice of modes of programs, what we guarantee our students are the unparalleled global exposure through our extensive network of international exchange programs, business field studies, as well as diverse choices of advanced study paths such as Dual-degrees and collaborations with our renowned partnering universities.

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MSc in Business Analytics

Business analytics is one of the fastest developing career options in the Internet age, where technology assists companies in collecting large amounts of data, which in turn can support relevant and important decision making.
The objective of the MScBA is to equip students with knowledge and tools that can help them derive useful information from business data and utilize the information intelligently, making faster and more effective business decisions and driving better business management.
Making extensive use of business data with statistical tools and quantitative methods, students of this profession learn how to convert large amount of data into meaningful information and statistics through asking the right questions, choosing the right data and technology, implementing the algorithms and modelling and interpreting the answers according to the original business problem.
With continuous and interactive exploration and investigation of data, business analytics helps managers and executives gain new insights into and understanding of business performance, predict changes and development of business patterns, and improve decision making on business strategies and planning. Graduates from this program are suitable for working in business consulting, finance, marketing, retailing, logistics and other service industries.

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The goal of our MBA+PGPM Programme is to empower the students with knowledge and skills through all round development of body, mind and soul. The entire infrastructure at the campus is designed to help students achieve this across a hectic two year education plan. In 2 Years Package students are enhancing not only theoretical knowledge, but also gaining practical exposure through various certification programs. The emphasis of PGPM is on involving the students in learning and helping them to relate concepts and theories to business realities.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Master in Digital Business

The Valley DBS, respaldado por el reconocimiento de los más de 400 profesores con los que cuenta (profesionales en activo expertos en el mundo digital, tanto en el ámbito de la mediana y gran empresa como del emprendimiento) ofrece el Máster en Digital Business, enfocado a capacitar a los alumnos de manera práctica en las diferentes actividades vinculadas al mundo digital, a la vez que les pone al día en las últimas tendencias desde una perspectiva estratégica y de orientación al negocio. 

El objetivo del Máster en Digital Business es formar a profesionales de diferentes sectores en todas las áreas del negocio digital, con el fin de que puedan liderar la estrategia y transformación digital en las empresas.
El Máster se dirige a profesionales con experiencia en cualquier área de una organización, ya que la formación es transversal a todos los departamentos.
Sobre un contenido teórico, se proporcionarán las herramientas para aplicar el conocimiento a la realidad actual de las compañías.  Asimismo, con la finalidad de asentar los conocimientos adquiridos durante el curso, los alumnos desarrollarán un proyecto troncal de digitalización de una compañía o de una idea de emprendimiento, con tutores expertos, realizando un recorrido que va desde la concepción de la idea hasta la implantación de la misma. 
Por otro lado, durante el programa, se incentivará el networking entre alumnos, profesores y miembros del ecosistema de The Valley para formar parte de una de las comunidades digitales más activas. También, se pone a disposición de los alumnos una bolsa de empleo propia con ofertas de empresas colaboradoras que buscan perfiles entre nuestros alumnos (en 2015 se gestionaron 300 ofertas de empleo, 25 al mes).

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Diploma in Digital Business & Marketing

El Programa Superior en Digital Business le permite preparar su perfil profesional para las demandas del mercado laboral y del entorno digital. Un programa completo y eminentemente práctico que aumentará su valor como especialista en Marketing Digital y negocios digitales.
Nuestra propuesta de valor: el curso es impartido por referentes  en activo de las empresas más top (Nestlé, FC Barcelona, Inditex, Unilever, Carat, Edreams, Audi/VW, etc.), especialistas en las áreas concernientes a los negocios digitales, tales como transformación digital, experiencia UX, SEO, SEM, Email marketing, CRM, herramientas de analítica digital (tales como Google Analytics), Social Media Strategy, eCommerce, Mobile, RTB, así como del área del emprendimiento o innovación.
EL PSDB desea satisfacer la demanda de profesionales formados en el ecosistema digital, con un programa cuyo temario aborda aspectos tecnológicos y legales, profundiza en el marketing online y las técnicas de comunicación digital, a la vez que aporta importantes conocimientos de analítica, el comercio electrónico y el entorno móvil. Este programa combina las sesiones teóricas con un trabajo práctico en grupos en el que se deberá desarrollar la estrategia y el plan de lanzamiento de un producto o servicio digital, desde la concepción de la idea hasta la implantación de la misma. En este proyecto, que se presentará al público una vez finalizado el PSDB+, deberán desarrollar un business plan que incluirá un plan de marketing digital en el que plasmar los conocimientos adquirido. Este trabajo permite aprender cómo aplicar los conocimientos teóricos que se vayan recibiendo. Tras varias ediciones, hemos comprobado que esta es la mejor manera de que nuestros alumnos sepan aplicar lo aprendido en su entorno laboral.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €

Curso de Redacción Corporativa

La mejor carta de presentación de una empresa es un buen texto corporativo, por ello hay que prestar especial atención a su redacción para que los destinatarios entiendan perfectamente el mensaje que queremos comunicar.
Escribir bien es sinónimo de buena imagen, por ello, elaborar textos claros, coherentes y sin errores es imprescindible para lograr la aceptación de un público, cada vez más exigente con el buen uso del lenguaje desde lo escrito. Por lo tanto, con el curso de redacción de textos corporativos adquirirás los conocimientos para mejorar tus técnicas de comunicación escrita en la redacción de tipo empresarial.

Cost of pre-eligibility application: 
  • Via Mastersbooking: 0 €
  • Via the regular school procedure: -- €
